GTM Tools are utilities created for managing Google Tag Manager containers. The main features are:

  • Clone containers from one account to another (or within the same account)

  • Visualize containers

  • Inspect containers, and add individual assets (Tags, Triggers, Variables) to a “Shopping cart”

  • Clone Shopping cart contents as a new container in a GTM account

  • Save Shopping cart contents into an asset library for future use

The toolset can be found at:

» «

The release notes and user guide can be found here: GTM Tools: Release notes and user guide.


Feel free to send me any feedback relating to the tools. I don’t do extensive testing, nor are the tools especially optimized performance-wise. These are issues I would love to tackle had I more time, but I’m really grateful for any ideas, feedback, or criticism you might want to throw my way.

DEPRECATED: GTM Tools @SimoAhava

Deprecated, use the new version at

The GTM Tools @SimoAhava is my pet project which I started working on the minute I was allowed access to Google Tag Manager’s API. It includes a number of cloner utilities, which allow you to transfer assets from one container to another in your Google Tag Manager ecosystem. Also, there’s the Container Visualizer, of which I’m definitely most proud.

Included are:

  • Container Cloner - Lets you copy tag(s) from one account to another

  • Tag Cloner - Lets you copy tag(s) from one container to another

  • Rule Cloner - Lets you copy rule(s) from one container to another

  • Macro Cloner - Lets you copy macro(s) from one container to another

  • Container Visualizer - Draws a pretty visualization of a container, showing the links between different assets (tags, rules, macros)

I have a pretty long list of planned features, but most importantly I’m working on providing support for the new UI features (triggers, variables), and I’m also looking into bundling assets together in the hopes of letting users download, update, and upload these bundles en masse to containers.

Related posts: – Introducing GTM ToolsContainer Visualizer for Google Tag Manager